"Jesus said, 'Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)
I was walking through our prayer path this morning and I stopped to meditate near the cross that stands in the midst of the path. The question that resonated in my heart during this moment was where have I witnessed Jesus lately?
I shouldn’t be surprised, but God clearly was evident through an outreach with children, grades kindergarten through fifth grade called Upward Flag Football. Through this sporting event we teach youth about the sport, how to participate as a team, and more importantly how to be a part of God’s team.
Now one might say, hey you can experience God in anyplace at anytime and that is true, but there will always be those occasions when God shows up in a fresh way and often unexpectedly.
I have taught children’s Sunday school, facilitated youth groups, and coached youth athletics for a number of years, but as I reflect upon this recent upward sporting event it became even more evident of the privilege of opportunity. I, along with the other volunteers not only taught about Jesus, but were able to clearly live His lifestyle out to the best of our abilities into their hearts. And as Friday evening came to a close I continued to hear the backdrop of stories that these kids were surrounded by. It is obvious of the harvest field that is clearly bountiful and the young souls in need. If anyone was humbled and blessed, I know it was me!
Now, I am not sure where you are experiencing Jesus today, but I pray that you will be touched with His eyes and ears so that you may become the response of His love and hope to those you may be encountering. Grow wherever God is planting you and make a difference for His Kingdom!
My redeemer Jesus, thank you for the opportunities provided and even the many divine interruptions that lead me to pause and see with Your heart and eyes. Though I am not worthy or qualified enough, may you use me to make a difference in someone’s life today!
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