“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:6-7).
Friends I find it so interesting that the word for “power” in the Greek is transliterated as “dynamis,” which is where we get the word dynamite in our English language. Now think about the idea of having such a power residing within your soul, the very dynamite, no better yet, the very power and authority of our Almighty God.
It helps me better understand the theme of Paul’s message that we live not by fear or a timid spirit. Author and Minister Mike Bickle is quoted as saying, “The Father will not insult His beloved Son by giving Him a bride that is bored, passive, and compromising.” Friends this passive spirit is a kind of walk that is far from threatening to our adversary and leaves little in the tank for the transformation of a culture around us.
We desire to see change in our lives and in the lives of others, and then we require the living power of our God that runs deep within our soul. This kind of power will ignite a flame that burns bright to those around us for our Lord Jesus’ glory and His Kingdom growth. Today, spend time in prayer that the power of our powerful God will be rekindled in order to honor Him and revive the world that we encounter daily.
My redeemer Jesus, move me out of the timid step I find myself in and awaken me to ignite the power of the Spirit that dwells within me so that my heart will burn with fervency for you Jesus and that others will take notice…
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