“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” (Colossians 1:13-15)
You know we often run through life with many misconceptions of the Almighty God.
When I was a child my concept of God was one of a baseball umpire who kept track of my sins like strikeouts. My image was tattered by the view that God was cold and distant. The idea of His saving grace and redemption were distant.
Now you may have another model of who our authentic God is. Some, because of our surrounding consumerist culture, live with the theme that God is a heavenly butler. Within our minds God becomes the one who waits upon us and provides our every request. Here we have a tendency of believing that we can control and use God as we see fit. All these views smother the truth of our God as well as who we are in God as His redeemed children.
The journey continues daily to seek our Lord and discover the truth of who God is so that we may better understand and grasp in living faith what He can do. This way we will believe who we are in God who says, “you are the rescued and loved!”
My redeemer Jesus, God with us, move me out of the timid step I find myself in and awaken me to ignite the power of the Spirit that dwells within me so that my heart will burn with fervency for the truth of you Jesus and that others will take notice…
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