“A good man
leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”
Proverbs 13:22
It was a couple
of weeks ago that I celebrated the life of a ninety-four year old man who had
passed into the waiting of arms of Jesus Christ. Now typically when I celebrate
the legacy of someone who has passed on at that age, the audience is often at
minimal numbers because most of their friends have already preceded them to the
other side, but not in this case. With this particular life I looked across a
sanctuary that was clearly populated with family, friends, and the many
acquaintances’ that were touched by his life.
Many may have
come to remember and pay tribute to a man that proudly served his nation, was
an engineer, inventor, farmer, along other life attributes. However, I believe
they came because he reflected a genuine Jesus to the many who were blessed to
cross his path. He loved, served, and never hesitated to proclaim the gospel of
Jesus no matter where he was. And in preparing for his service it became so
clear to me that Jesus was the foundational rock of which he stood and
proclaimed. The inheritance that he left had nothing to do with the business
aspect of life, but more so the spiritual maturity of Jesus who transformed his
life during his thirties until the day he breathed his last on this side of
I guess it made
me stop and pause, reflecting upon my own walk with God and asking how will I
be remembered to my children’s children. What legacy will I leave when I enter
my rest? Can I ask you, what legacy will you leave? What do your children,
family, friends, and acquaintances’ say about your life? I can guarantee you
that it will not be about how many meetings you attended. That’s temporal! No,
the reality of your legacy will come down to how well you reflected the love of
Jesus to others. That will be the reward that lasts into eternity.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In
his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can
never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.”
1 Peter 1:3-4
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